Wednesday, December 12, 2007

second para

There will always be people that just want to discover something for the sake of it. Although this might not be the best use of thier time, it is not a bad thing. I don't have a problem with the thier methods as long as what they do isn't destructive. It is always good to know about the world around you. Even though some of thier random discoveries might not seem important, they are another peice to the puzzle.
Also, some of thier discoveries turn out to be very useful or profitable. There is always someone that thinks what are you are reasearching is pointless. I mean come on there had to have been a group of people that thought it was silly to mess with sound. But without those people who took a personal interest in it we wouldn't have phones. Some might argue this is a novelty and has no real purpose. On some levels that is true, but a means of communicating over vast distances quckly brought our world closer together(once again this is debateable about wether it is good or not). I personally don't look down on scientists who reasearch seemingly worthless things. I mean who knows what important discover could be hidden in the oddest place.

(sorry about any spelling errors there is no spellcheck and i can't tell :(

i posted on Eric,Mica, and Bens blog


Ben said...

Good post Ryan.while you could have a little more specific you brought up some good points.One thing you could work is spelling because you spelled their wrong twice, but other than that good job!

Rogelio said...

Ryan, I totally agree with what you are saying and you used some specific examples which i liked. Also, try working on your spelling.

jaml00jaml00 said...

Ill points, and good support. Try to avoid "I mean" in formal writing.

i.really.wish.i.was.chrissy said...

Good post Ryan
I think that the point you are making is a very good one. It was clear that you were interested in what you were writing about. I agree with Josh though in saying that your paragraph sounded slightly informal. good job though!

thuntchem said...

I agree with the what you said about "it doesn't matter what you pursue as long as you aren't destructive"