Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i got nothin

All the topics that I listed still interest. The one I would pick to research is biofuels. The main reason for this is because it will be easy to find information on it. Also it is a very complex and important subject. Not so much complex on the side of creating biofuels but on the economic part involved. In order for the fuel to change from gasoline to say hydrogen all of the gas stations would have to be converted. The price for this is billions. You would have to change the intire infristructure for the fuel comporations. So in order for this change to take place gas would have to reach the price where no one could afford it.


Mica, Travis, Chrissy, Eirc

Most of the topics I read are interesting but the ones that really grab my attention are ways to save the earth and studying other planets. Finding new ways to do things without harming the world is becoming more and more important, but sadly some powerful corporations are putting blocks on these studies. Studying other planets could at some point be critical for two reasons. First, we may not bbe able to fix our plaent and have to desert earth and move on. Second, The global population could potentially become to high for the earth to support us. With each medical achievment we are able to safe more and more human lifes. This is could thing but at the same time it will eventually lead to overpopulation. The earth can only support so many people.

Monday, February 4, 2008

changeing the gentic code of bacteria to help humans-

All of these topics interest me and are areas that constantly being explored. One of the more prominent issues is biofeuls. The airlines are starting to feel the pressure and are looking into hydrogen as a fuel source. The more advanced projects involve building hydrogen hyper jets. Modern day jets are also getting very close to being outdated by scramjets. These jets will have the ability to travel from New York to London in two hours. At the moment though these planes have lasted for very little time in the air but they are getting very close. They are useing new technology in these jets that uses air as a fuel source in a way. Genetics in general is a very vast subject, but a specific interest of mine is changing the genetic code of bacteria to help humans. This is being tested for used from dental hygene to curing cancer. Neuroscience is also very complex. What interests me the most is the study on fear. How part of our brain overrides the logical part to create fear. All of these subject are things that interest me and that I keep an eye on.